The way you create your works for some reason looks soothing to me. the type of brush, shading, and how you make the background simplistic but interesting is, how would i say, pleasing to the eye. the character itself is more detailed then the background, making the viewer's eyes tril from the outskirts of the piece towards the character. The pattern of her clothes is lovely and fits to her personality; not too flashy but a nice color that can be used for her skill set in hiding or laying low in combat. The only issue i have is the head size to body ratio and the size of the eyes, however, this is just based on my taste and take this creative criticism with a grain of salt. On the other hand, its completely fine the way it is now.
Over all, This piece is beautiful in my opinion. The intricacy in its simplistic design done in the skills of the artist plus with the devotion put into this is clearly seen. I don't know why but i am drawn to this piece. Like i said, Its beautiful and soothing to the eyes.